Yes, little sister, it has been quite a while. I can't even remember the last time I posted... Something to do with horoscope readings I'm sure.
Today is a Monday, the beginning of a new week and MAN was this quite easily THE MOST HECTIC/WORST Monday I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing. Probably. It all began Saturday evening when my aunt called and asked me where I was since I was supposed to be going to her house for dinner that evening and then together with her family go to my grandparent's house for my grandmother's birthday. I slowly ambled my way to 원주 (Wonju) - about a 2 hour distance from my home - and was swept away by the crazy that is my 3rd aunt. She's not a bad crazy, she's a government-conspiracy kind of crazy and unfortunately for me very absentminded. Anyways, the next morning we make our way to 경기도 (Gyeonggi-do) where my grandparents have returned from their train/boat trip of looking at four different islands (I had no idea Korea had this many...) where apparently my grandmother narrowly avoided death by seasickness. My grandmother being the crazy that she is (the bad kind), was absolutely to the core convinced she was going on a cruise trip when my aunt clearly told her she'd be getting on a boat to look at different islands because she said she wanted to sometime earlier. Anyways, lunch and cake was eaten, I was given food to take back home and my aunt+ and I finally made our way back to Wonju. When we got there, she asked me if I'd like to go watch a movie with my cousin since the last bus would be at 8PM and there was time. I said sure (rue the day!!!) and watched 초능력자 (friggin AWESOME movie! 엄마, you'd definitely love it) with 강동원+ (the others hardly matter). We ended at 7:45PM and if my aunt had been there to take me straight to the bus terminal, I would've caught the last bus. But being the absentminded crazy that she is, of course she wasn't there. And of course I missed the last bus/train/sanity. I ended up having to take the first bus at 6:45AM the next morning. So I decided to drown my worries with some 2NE1 TV (박봄 is adorable and I love her. CL is extremely fab. She was in California for less than a week and by that time she already found her own gay, the designer Jeremy Scott, to go shopping with in the trendy part of Beverley Hills) and fried chicken. Woke up the next morning and almost missed the bus (this time cause of my uncle, also crazy. Basically everyone on this side of the family is nuts), hopped on and due to the snow/general traffic ended up missing my entire 1st period. I called the teachers ahead of time to let them know and they didn't mind but still... I'm over it now but seriously, this is not the first time I've been screwed over by this aunt's absent-mindedness and I'll be DAMNED before I let this happen again.
On a brighter note, things that are keeping me happy:
1. All 6th grade classes except 2 were cancelled this week <3
2. Next week is my last week for extra classes <3 <3 <3
3. I finally have a tea kettle (ordered it from Gmarket) since I donated the one I inherited to our English teachers' office.
4. It's going to be December soon, which is always a plus for the following reasons:
a. Christmas
b. My birthday
c. JYP concert
d. That tarot card reader said my love-life will pick up in this month ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ....
5. I have a ridiculous coat on...
6. Next week is the final exams and it's nice giving/grading the exams, not taking them <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Alrighty then, till next time!