Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Many, Many Things

On Friday, October 22nd, my cold had finally reached a point where I no longer had the strength to turn down my coteachers when they suggested I go to the hospital and get it taken care of at once.  So off I went.  Yes, I went to the hospital for a COLD.  Tis the norm here in Korea because it's dirt cheap (overall including my prescription meds everything came out to around $10) and it took less than 10 minutes.  The entire process.  See America?  See how awesome our health care could be??  Anyways, I was first taken to the doctor (who I was with for less than 5 min) and he either sprayed or sucked (not sure which) something into my nose and throat (yes yes, that's what she said, har har har).  He then sent me with a nurse to get a shot.  I was wondering why they asked me to sit on the bed and pulled the curtains around me when another nurse walked in and informed me I'd be taking the shot in my butt (more like right above it to be accurate).  I paled and asked if it was really necessary I take this shot, if I could just leave and pretend I took it.  She gave me a look that clearly said, "Are you kidding me?" and instead told me, "Even children take this shot, why are you so scared?"  She spun me around and before I knew what was happening, it was over.  It didn't hurt at all!  Korean medicine is magic, basically.

Later on that day (cause I'm a busy woman) I proceeded to meet up with friends in Seoul.  Being the poor (well at least I am) recent college grads with too many school loans to pay off (for me at least), we decided to spend the 2 nights in 찜질방s (public bathhouse with co-ed areas where people are dressed and eat and just chill).  Originally we were thinking LOVE MOTELs since there were several of us and we could split it but they were more expensive than we thought they'd be and the ones that were reasonably priced were REALLY shady.  EXTREMELY.  The first night was fine though it was very small and was basically just a hostel with public baths.  The second one, though bigger and nicer (with 만화첵s ㅋㅋ), was very crowded.  I woke up in the middle of the night to discover a sleeping pad (kind of like yoga mats) right next to mine... with an 아저시 (middle-aged Kman) on it ㅠ_ㅠ  I scooted over as much as I could without getting overly close with the 아저시 on the other side of me who, luckily (but still grossing me out) was busy cuddling with his girlfriend.  Then I woke up again because the first 아저시 had rolled over RIGHT NEXT TO ME.  Innocent?  PSH YEAH RIGHT these are 아저시s we're talking about!  So I got up.  Even in the midst of my not-fully-awake-ness I was livid.  Wtf?!  Either I was leaving and finding a hotel room by myself, ditching my friends, or something but I was not gonna take this!  Then I found a sleeping pad in a little corner all by itself so I just moved there and fell back asleep.  Heh heh.  But inbetween my two violations of personal bubble space, we were all woken up around 5AM by a group of 아저시s that walked in drunk and two of them started fighting (blows and kicks included) over a blanket.  At the time I was pretty scared (and annoyed at being woken yet again) but now that I have the comfort of looking back at it, it was actually kind of funny.  Moral of this story is, NEVER TRUST A STRANGE 아저시.  And JUST GET A FRIGGIN ROOM WHEN TRAVELLING.  It's worth it to not be surrounded by strangers.

Anyways, the point of this trip was to go to the G20 concert at Jamsil Olympic Stadium for the Asian Music Festival or something that was also a charity for UNICEF.  The tickets were free and the performers were famous singers from all over Asia that included: Rain, BoA, AKB48, 4Minute, Michael Wong, B2ST, Jane Zhang, 2AM, Joe Cheng, Bie the Star, Lee Seung-Chul and KARA.  Bought quite a few glow sticks and basically fangirled out to my heart's content.  The best part actually was the fan clubs who got there really early to hang up huuuuge banners to express their obsessive love for their respective groups.  I am now tempted to join one of these (they apparently come with lots of benefits at the small price of your sanity and 20,000 won).  Some pictures!

The stage

Bought a bit too many knick knacks in my excitement at my first non-Christian concert. 
Note the binoculars ㅋㅋ

My 2NE1 glow stick, though you can't see it. Kglowsticks are amazing.
Aka battery run XD

Hmm....  Other noteworthy things that happened on this trip...  I was sweet-talked into buying a sweater that looks good on the mannequin but not real people at 동대문 =__=  Darn you 아줌마s!!!!!!!!!  Wtf was I thinking?!?!?!  Ok, rant and post END.