Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh Kmen...

My 6th graders are learning how to compare things with something else so today as their game I had them do a competition.  Things such as "longest hair" or "oldest person" was placed in a can and a kid would draw something random.  Each table would send their best representative in that field and from there the kids would compete with one another.  So, the comparison is, who is strongest?  Two girls (yes!) and three boys step forward to represent their tables.  The girls are acting "girly" and saying things like, "There's no way we could beat a boy! Go easy on us~"  Anyways, skipping to the last 2 left, the boy with the cockiest attitude I've ever seen (which was still kind of adorable cause remember, these are just 6th graders) is left to arm wrestle the surviving girl.  She is laying it on thick with the "Oh no~" and "I can't win~" so the boy sits down and sticks out 2 fingers.  Yes, that's right, Mr. Cocky says in his silent way that he will arm wrestle her with just 2 fingers to "even the playing field."  He lost.  That girl was amazing!  As soon as the wrestling started, all pretenses fell away and she put her all into it and won.  Everyone was laughing hysterically.

Also, saw a foreigner last night for the first time in 오창 (Ochang).  I couldn't stop staring as I was walking back to my place.  He was probably annoyed...

Apparently there is a 바바리코트 변테 (pervert who wears nothing but his birthday suit under a large trench coat) lurking within the shadows here around our school.  Some 4th grade girls, being the world-wise kchildren that they are, wrote down 1 of the 3 perverts' license plate and handed it in to the police.  Two down, three to go.  One of my male co-teachers was telling me how he and other male teachers were saying they should be careful of looking suspicious when on school grounds, kkkkk~  These perverts' hang out spot happens to be at a park around midnight.  Anyone wanna join me in a little late-night excursion?


  1. Lol, everyone's doing the superlatives competitions! Pft. Wish middle school wasn't "too old" for that...some classes could probably use it...oh well~

    pft. acting just like the natives staring at some foreigner. :P

    And omg, those guys exist in real life?? O__O I feel like I always see them in cartoons/silly dramas lol. Does this mean you're looking to get flashed or looking to take down a bitch? ㅋㅋ

    OH. And one of my boy students today was trying to tell me this other boy was a 변테, but I didn't know what it was XDDD Then he asked if i knew what a 변테 was and I said no, so he let it go ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    Makes so much more sense now...

  2. LOLLLL those flashers actually exist?! xD
