Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I need a break from the break...

So unfortunately 추석 (Chuseok), or what I like to call a 3-day version of Kthanksgiving, was definitely not a very relaxing time for me.  Went to the grandparents and since they keep disgustingly early hours (wakes up every morning at six), they expected me to do so as well.  Sleeping in till 9AM won me the following comments from my understanding (cough) grandmother: How can you be so lazy?!  If you keep these late hours you're going to miss work one day.  You need to wake up at normal times!  So you can go out to exercise.  Cause you're fat.  Look at the size of your butt!  And those hips!  You'll never get married.  Who will take you?  You're uglier than most girls so you'll have a hard time finding a husband.  When someone said you take after me, I was very insulted.  I was beautiful when I was your age!  Blah blah blah.  This is what I heard in a long, continuous, never-ending stream for a good several days until one of my aunts, who is in an even worse predicament than me, finally came and took the nagging from my shoulders.  Thank the Lord.

On a happier note, today was our school picnic day!  The 6th graders are currently on their 수학여행(?), which is 3-days and 2-nights so today the rest of the school went on a one day trip.  Aka no classes :D  I tagged along with the 5th graders (each grade went to a different place. There are 6 classes in each grade and grades 1-5 went. Meaning there were a LOT of buses transporting children) to Seoul Land, an amusement park/zoo.

One of my co-teachers.

Baobab tree. These people are seriously obsessed with the Little Prince...


My Kname <3 It was the monkey area... It must have an alternate meaning. Something to do with monkeys apparently...


Some of my students <3

FLOOD of 5th graders...

Seoul Land.

What I'm still kind of impressed by is the fact that all the parents (mothers) of the class president of each class sacked lunchboxes for the teachers to eat.  Apparently your kid being voted the class president is not always a good thing cause there's no way I would've done this for my kid's teacher willingly.


  1. lolllllllllllllllll!!!
    this post amused me very much.

    1) kekeke @ halmoni. shes the only reason i feel averted from visiting korea.
    2)i found out MY korean name means some kind of cable...
    3) i love how almost every one of ur students are flashing the peace sign

  2. Oh man - I know that nagging way too much. Glad you survived to see another day. I would totally pack a lunch for you if you were my kid's teacher - cup ramen anyone?!

  3. aww I can't wait for our school trip...Seoul land looks fun lol, also i'm incredibly amused by the fact that your name is related to...no, that your name means monkey (which i've decided just now) ;D
    And like you said before, you've just seen your family which hopefully means you don't have to see them again for a while...
