Monday, September 13, 2010

The Apartment

So this door-to-door sales아저시 went around my apartment building to try and sell those automatic locks where you just put in a code to open the door as opposed to the old-fashioned key-and-lock system.  He stuck his body inside when I opened the door, alarming me, and then proceeded to tell me how the guy downstairs was robbed and showed me a picture on his phone of his broken lock.  He then assured me that I am completely unsafe with my current lock and that I will be robbed.  I finally managed (somehow) to get him out my door, after he shoved his card to me, and almost hyperventilated, semi-sure that someone would break in within the next hour (probably his accomplice to prove his point).  But then I realized, wait a minute, I don't think there is a guy who lives below me.  This is a new building and the only other people I saw move in (I was its first tenant) is the family 2 floors below me.  I was almost duped!  I didn't know salespeople even existed in this country!!

Anyways, here are some pictures.

View when you enter.

Angle from inside.

Very small bathroom.

The rest of the room.

My ukulele is never far ㅋㅋ...

All in all, it's pretty small but brand new (I'm its first occupant), which was lucky for me.  I've heard some horror stories regarding the filth of their apartments inherited from the previous teacher.  The one before me used to have to commute from 청주 (Chungju), which is about 40 min away on a good day so the school decided to find somewhere closer for me.  I'm literally 10 seconds from the school.  But the best part of living in a small, one-room apartment, is that it's cozy and just the right size.  Last time I was staying in Korea by myself for 3 months, I couldn't sleep with the lights off cause the large empty spaces freaked me out...  I'm still convinced there was a 귀신 (ghost) living there with me...


  1. Anna! That "salesman" might be a potential robber scoping out your apartment! Be careful! See if you can buy some added locks/protection.

  2. Are you going to keep it neat and clean like your room at Laf??

  3. Very cute place! Not as great as our CRG digs but at least you're not sleeping on the floor! Hoping it's cooled off a bit over there...I hate the humidity in Asia.

  4. is there a shower tub in ur bathroom, or is there just a drain in the ground? hehe
