Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Love Bus

Current location: 경기도
Reason: to see the grandparents for 추석
Mood: wtf/fml-mode

I was able to get on the bus from 청주 (Chungju) to 동서울 (Seoul) without a hitch (on a VERY nice bus I might add -- felt like a first class seat on a plane), but it was from Seoul to Gyeonggi-do when things took a more entertaining turn of events.  I lolligagged around for about an hour before my bus took off and I was one of the first people to settle in.  Literally everyone who walked onto the bus, minus 3 people (I counted), were in pairs.  Couples.  I felt like I was on Noah's ark, or in this case, bus.  The love bus.  The bus has 4 seats in each row, separated by an aisle right down the middle so it's 2 seats on each side.  Basically I was the only one up until the last minute when the bus took off sitting all by her lonesome.  It was fantastic.  I was giggling internally non-stop.  Then a guy sat down next to me and I cursed my single-ness.  Ah well, it could've been worse.  It could've been an 아저시.

Once I arrived, my grandmother lost no time in feeding me the minute I walked in through the door.  That and the ever-present lecture of the necessity for me to lose weight <3  Afterwards, I looked through old photo albums and discovered that there actually was once a time when my own father was a child.  I took pictures (they're fabulous) and will be posting them as soon as I can, mwahahahahaha...

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